Thursday, June 16, 2011

job job jobless....

morning peepssss!!!! what a wonderful world....lalalaalalala
almost 2 months duduk kat rumah...the 1st month was fine coz i still want to rehat2. Now, goshhhh...i feel so stresses out. Duduk rumah, no job to no money go into my pocket.hehehe...mau x mau, need to find job juga la nie...create good and comprehensive resume, with hope and high hope that it will be attractive to be chosen as one of the shortlisted candidates.. <3 bukan senang aaaaa....i leave everything to Him because I believe He had planned a good and bright future for me.. :) 

So, wish me luck and all the best to me!! Kepada kwn2 yang tgh hunting for job juga, I pray that you'll get a job that suits u.. *huggs* 

p/s: Mr. John cakap, "education must be transferred into money"... :)


  1. all the best sweetie..u can do it!

  2. thank u sweetheart.. <3 all the best too you juga..huggs!
